Personality in the palm of your hand

Become more self-aware and learn how you relate to others. Use our app to explore your unique Lumina Splash - our instantly memorable, visual representation of who you are.

Speed Read Your Personality

Swipe through a few quick questions to paint a picture of your personality.

View your Splash

Quickly visualise how you scored on eight key aspects of your personality - Extraverted and Introverted, Big Picture Thinking and Down to Earth, Inspiration Driven and Discipline Driven, People Focused and Outcome Focused.

Explore your Aspects

Navigate your Splash by zooming into the Aspect level to learn more about your scores with the help of dynamic descriptions which are generated by your responses.

Share to Compare

Share your Splash online with colleagues, friends and family to get personalised feedback on where you complement each other and where you might clash!

See our global network

Lumina Learning is a global network of skilled experts and Practitioners operating in more than 40 countries all over the world.

Easy Access

See the digital version of your Splash anytime during and after your Lumina Learning experience, and get in touch with your practitioner.

Scan to Import

Simply scan the QR code from your Lumina Spark portrait to import your Splash.

Three Personas

Watch your Splash morph into each of your three personas: Underlying, Everyday and Overextended.

Scan to Compare

Simply share your QR code with others and allow them to compare each of their personas with yours.

The Lumina Learning Splash App

Our interactive app puts your personality in the palm of your hand and brings it to life! And you can share and compare with family, friends and colleagues.

Splash Gallery

Quickly view any Splash and compare any two Splashes directly from your Splash Gallery.

Speed Read Others

Speed Read your clients, learners, colleagues, friends and family from your own device.

Draw Any Splash

Intuitively explore people's personalities by creating their splash in front of their eyes.

I like the way that the Lumina Splash App has been introduced - it's very modern, it's dynamic, and it enables you to introduce Lumina Spark with different populations from large groups through to one-to-one sessions.

Head of Talent & Development, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Case Studies - 28/04/2023
Światowy Program Żywnościowy (WFP), Kenia
Lumina Spark Lumina Leader

Tło Światowy Program Żywnościowy (oddział ONZ zajmujący się pomocą żywnościową) zatrudnia około 13 500 pracowników na całym świecie. Założony w 1961 roku i mający siedzibę w Rzymie, jest największą na świecie organizacją humanitarną zajmującą się bezpieczeństwem żywnościowym i walką z głodem. Jest też organizacją całkowicie oddaną prawom człowieka i promowaniu zróżnicowanego i inkluzywnego miejsca pracy.

Case Studies - 28/04/2023
Jak Lumina Learning pomogła największej grupie cukrowniczej w Afryce?
Lumina Spark Coach Lumina Leader Lumina Team

Illovo: 6 krajów. 30,000 pracowników Po rozpoczęciu nowego programu rozwoju liderów i pracowników, Illovo Sugar (największa afrykańska grupa cukrownicza) zwróciła się o wsparcie do Luminy Learning. Illovo jest spółką zależną Associated British Foods, międzynarodowego giganta żywności i handlu detalicznego, który osiąga przychody 15,8 mld funtów, zatrudnia 138 000 pracowników i prowadzi działalność w 52 krajach

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