Our Solutions

Whatever your challenge, you can use our products for a whole range of practical solutions. Our innovative methodology is designed to support interventions ranging from short presentations, training courses, inspiring coaching sessions, team building, onboarding, selection, sales development, authentic leadership, organisational development, and many more.

Dlaczego Lumina Learning?

Clients choose our award-winning assessments because they are versatile, validated and accurate. In busy organisations, clients appreciate how we make serious knowledge easy, fun and instantly applicable - promoting learning, agility and situational awareness.
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Lumina Learning reveals individual potential and inspires personal and professional growth. Clients gain a deeper self-awareness and the skills to influence with emotional intelligence and communicate with impact.

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Inteligencja społeczna

Dobre samopoczucie


Zdolność adaptacji

As virtual teams, project groups and remote reporting increase, people need to build relationships better and faster. Our team solutions create a powerful understanding of the personalities within a team, and the culture within which a team sits, as a catalyst to enable greater team effectiveness.

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Kultura wspierająca

Wartości i wizja


Increased organisational effectiveness is delivered through our inspirational Practitioners designing our innovative products into customised solutions that deliver demonstrable benefits.

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Zarządzanie talentami

Relacje interesariuszy

Our products

Lumina Spark

Lumina Spark reveals your whole personality, providing a unique portrait of who you really are. Increase self-awareness, reveal hidden potential and cope better under pressure. Discover practical actions for improved communication, teamwork and leadership. Find your Inner Spark. Increase your potential.

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Lumina Leader

Lead the way, in your own way. Lumina Leader gives executives a deep understanding of their natural leadership style. It shows them how to lead with confidence and authenticity, while learning how to adapt their leadership style to meet the needs of their people and their organisation.

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Lumina Team

Work better, together. Clients refer to the Lumina Team experience as a genuine ‘Aha!’ moment. Easy to grasp language and impactful visuals instantly highlight the traits and behaviours within a team. The result is motivated people working in high performing teams which get better results.

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Lumina Emotion

The ability to choose our response to a situation is a powerful one - Lumina Emotion gives people that ability. Improved emotional intelligence, adaptability and resilience are just some of the benefits organisations report.

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Lumina Select

Find the right people, ask the right questions, uncover hidden potential and avoid costly recruitment errors. Lumina Select is the bespoke recruitment tool which helps you match the right people to the right jobs.

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Lumina Sales

Lumina Sales scientifically enables you to develop your people and to grow your revenue by sharing how behaviour traits and personality show up in a sales situation. It changes the focus from return on investment to return on relationship.

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See our global network

Lumina Learning is a global network of skilled experts and Practitioners operating in more than 40 countries all over the world.
Case Studies - 28/04/2023
Światowy Program Żywnościowy (WFP), Kenia
Lumina Spark Lumina Leader

Tło Światowy Program Żywnościowy (oddział ONZ zajmujący się pomocą żywnościową) zatrudnia około 13 500 pracowników na całym świecie. Założony w 1961 roku i mający siedzibę w Rzymie, jest największą na świecie organizacją humanitarną zajmującą się bezpieczeństwem żywnościowym i walką z głodem. Jest też organizacją całkowicie oddaną prawom człowieka i promowaniu zróżnicowanego i inkluzywnego miejsca pracy.

Case Studies - 28/04/2023
Jak Lumina Learning pomogła największej grupie cukrowniczej w Afryce?
Lumina Spark Coach Lumina Leader Lumina Team

Illovo: 6 krajów. 30,000 pracowników Po rozpoczęciu nowego programu rozwoju liderów i pracowników, Illovo Sugar (największa afrykańska grupa cukrownicza) zwróciła się o wsparcie do Luminy Learning. Illovo jest spółką zależną Associated British Foods, międzynarodowego giganta żywności i handlu detalicznego, który osiąga przychody 15,8 mld funtów, zatrudnia 138 000 pracowników i prowadzi działalność w 52 krajach