Kickstart your knowledge
Opportunity, a gimmick, or a real risk? We’re all seeing the tools pop up, and they’re spreading to new industries fast. So how does AI compare to traditional methods for collecting, understanding and acting on people’s behaviour and competencies at work? How is this going to change the job roles for those in selection & development, and the people, teams and leaders being analysed? And how does AI compare to traditional methods addressing diversity, inclusivity, and equity challenges? It’s all on the table, and it all needs to be answered. Sound the trumpets, we’re on.
A clash of the experts
The expert panel have been gathered from all sides of the discussion, and the difference in views through the rapid growth of AI demonstrates the need for more clarity so organisations and their people to choose if they want the most of these tools, and mitigate the risks if they need to. Our panel will be reflecting on what’s already out there, what’s happening, and you need to know in order to keep up and move forward this fascinating but daunting new sphere for selection, learning, development, and ultimately everyone.

Meet the guest panel