Good things come in threes; new features for Lumina Learning Practitioners

So, we said we’ve got a box full of goodies coming to you soon. Today they’re available for you to explore!

  • Two new guides to help you build Lumina Spark based development experiences more easily
  • Your New Open Badges that gives you a neatly presented, digitally focused and verified way to show your credentials
  • A refresh to your Practitioner Dashboard to make things simpler to navigate (the start of a wider update to your Practitioner log-in experience)


Your new Go-To Guides to Creating Coaching & Workshops

Designing and delivering coaching and workshops is both an art and a science. It’s often a huge challenge. To help, we teamed up with some of the leading community voices and our in-house experts. The result is your two  new supportive guides. So it’s technically two new features here, but all the better.


Both guides give you practical Portrait breakdowns, activities to use, worksheets and templated session plans with tips and step-by-step videos to use across any development experience you’re running.

From short one-to-one coaching catch ups to full day workshops for the masses, we’ve included something for everyone to help get the most from Lumina Spark.

We’re excited for you explore the new guides and we hope they’ll make designing and delivering personal development simpler, smarter, and more impactful for your learners.


Open Badges – your shiny official qualification certificate


Your Open Badge (or badges if you’re qualified beyond Lumina Spark) helps showcase your skillset in a well presented, digitally focused and verified way.  Whether you’re newly qualified in one of our tools, or looking to highlight your existing credentials, they’re a great way to sharpen up your personal brand and show what you do.

Now a popular standard feature of many learning management systems, Open Badges (which also go by the name of ‘micro-credentials’) are visual tokens of verifiable achievements earned by recipients and easily shared online and via social media.


More than just a pretty image

  • Add them to your LinkedIn profile credentials
  • Share them on social posts
  • Share your link to take people to your badge’s landing page. with a brief overview of your skillset and qualification
  • Your badges can be checked and verified by anyone for authenticity, with your details automatically personalised within the badge.

A LinkedIn study found that digital credentials increase profile views by 600% !*

Useful places for your Open Badge

On your social media 

As a post – You can share your Open Badge as a post on social media, which is perfect if you’re newly qualified to celebrate and announce your achievement. And thanks for choosing our tools by the way!

On your LinkedIn Credentials – You can add your Open Badge to your LinkedIn Credentials by simply adding in the share link on the credentials upload (more on this in our guide).


In your email signature and on your website

You can hyperlink the URL share link of your Open Badges on your email signature or on your website with any message of your choice, giving a highlight to the tool you’re qualified in, in a slick, professional and neat format.


Four reasons to put your Open Badge on your social profile and link it on your email signature or website

  1. Shareability –  They are super easy to share so you can broadcast your achievements to the world
  2. They inspire trust and credibility with a single click
  3. Analytics –  See whether your badges are being viewed or shared
  4. Your badges adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Mozilla Open Badge Standard. This means each badge is portable, secure, and can be added to your badge ‘backpack’


But there’s a fifth reason too – your chance to win five Lumina Spark Portraits

Share your Lumina Spark Open Badge as a post on LinkedIn with @LuminaLearning tagged your caption or comments before 25 October, and you might just win five Lumina Spark Portraits on the house from us!


Practitioner Dashboard Refresh & more coming soon

Feel like your Practitioner log-in experience getting a bit tired? We get you, and we’re giving everything a fresh lick of paint and a bit of a general redesign to make things simpler and easier with a few less headaches. We’ve started with a touch-up to your Practitioner Dashboard that is now live, with much more on the way over the next few months.


The design team are chipping away on making your entire Practitioner login experience more intuitive to navigate and more accessible to explore the features useful to you. And likewise, much more pleasing to the eye.



From setting up projects, to finding available resources, and billing & subscriptions, it’s all in the plan. We’re looking forward to showing you around the new layout so you can crack on with everything Lumina related that you’re logging in.


The new Dashboard is also where you can find your new coaching & workshops guides and  your Open Badges too!



Whilst you’re still here


Is Hybrid Working Starting To Flop?

10 October

Whilst the shift to hybrid working has been popular, some good old diehard face-to-face connection remains important for many of us at work.

With large hybrid-working companies reporting productivity beginning to drop, many are demanding the office return. Is it a knee-jerk reaction, are they right, or is there something they’re all missing in their hybrid strategies?


Women Leading The Way
14 November

We’re exploring the undervalued impact that many women make across personal talent, teamwork, and leadership based on our global research. Many of these impacts are those businesses report they are desperate for.


You’ll get our practical top tips to challenge the common misperceptions that can sometimes reward negative bias, ignore needed talent, and hinder business performance.


We hope you like the updates, and don’t forget to share your Open Badge for a chance to win the competition. Let us know what you think of the updates too!

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