Yimin Wang, Lumina Learning Partner



What does success mean as a Lumina Learning Practitioner? And what steps do you need to take to be successful?


The Practitioner who has it all

Some Practitioners are what I like to call 3D Practitioners – they excel at all three of the Ds:


  • Business Development
  • Design
  • Delivery


These Practitioners become known as the expert, the go-to person, a problem solver, an opinion leader.


So, can you only be successful as a Practitioner if you can master all three of the Ds? Of course not. We can’t all be a 3D Practitioner – some of us excel at delivery but not design, or business development but not delivery.


Strategy for success

To be a successful Lumina Learning Practitioner you need to live what you sell and be self-aware. Understand your strengths and the areas you’re less strong in, then use that knowledge to help you develop your strategy and drive your success.


Your vision of success as a Practitioner will vary depending on whether you are a business Practitioner, delivering Lumina Learning solutions to clients, or a client Practitioner, delivering Lumina Learning solutions within your own organisation. As the vision of success differs, so should your strategy and the path to success.


Practitioner success factors



Business Practitioners

For a business Practitioner, success likely means building a successful coaching/training practice. How can you do that? Just follow this simple 4-step framework:


  1. Understand your preference and skills in three areas – business development, design, and delivery
  2. Define your own niche and promote yourself
  3. Work with suitable partners – a coaching/training firm, other Practitioners, and other professionals
  4. Enhance your niche and branding



Client Practitioners

For a client Practitioner, success is focused more around effectively introducing Lumina Learning solutions to your organisation. To increase your likelihood to succeed, follow four simple steps:


  1. Understand Lumina Learning solutions and its applications
  2. Spot the suitable opportunities and introduce Lumina Learning solutions to your organisation
  3. Increase your sphere of influence and position yourself as an innovative business partner
  4. Create personal development opportunities



Find out more about becoming a Lumina Learning Practitioner by subscribing here.

Want to learn more about becoming a successful Lumina Learning Practitioner? Watch my presentation on the topic here or view the slides here.

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