Well-deserved Recognition for Lumina Learning

We are the next-generation inventors of digital personality tools.  We help organisations by delivering smart data with simple, intuitive language to help you recognise and act upon the strengths of your individuals, teams and leaders. Every tool we build to select, onboard and develop, challenges the outdated status quo of traditional personality assessments.


Our solutions are more accurate, inclusive and engaging, showing people as they truly are without assumptions or putting people into unhelpful boxes that might limit their potential. Ultimately, our global Practitioner network helps organisations discover the latest expertise in selection and development, exciting continuous curiosity in exploring behaviour, performance and personality to power up your people strategy. Read more on how we’ve been changing the game for the last ten years and where our future lies here.


Our overall efforts and success have been widely recognised this year. Having already won the award for Most Innovative Use of Learning Technologies at Learning Pool, we are finalists for a whopping 8 submissions across 5 of the award categories for the upcoming ABP awards! Since being established in 2014, The Association for Business Psychology Awards is now a central part of celebrating and highlighting achievements within the world of business psychology.


Gaining recognition from the ABP is a prestigious honour that we are delighted to receive. The ABP is a world-renowned hub and voice of business psychology, on a mission to promote professional excellence for those involved in improving business performance and the quality of life at work.


Attending the ABP virtual conference back in October was informative and inspiring. The five-day event focused on looking at life beyond Covid, what we expect in the coming years and how it will affect the workforce in terms of wellbeing, diversity, purpose, and connectivity.


The upcoming awards will follow the same theme, recognising and showcasing excellence in business psychology throughout the pandemic. The awards ceremony will take place at the beginning of next year on Thursday 27 January at Regents Park Holiday Inn.


Not only do we have the ceremony to look forward to, but there will also be a one-day in-person conference taking place before the event, on the same day. After the momentum gained from the October conference, we are itching for the chance to network in person because, let’s face it, networking doesn’t have the same feel to it behind a computer screen.


We hope to see many of you there for the day, which will be jam-packed full of speaker sessions, workshops, and case studies from the finalists for the awards. The awards ceremony will take place in the evening with the promise of a 3-course dinner and a night full of celebration. Don’t miss out on what promises to be a great evening. Book your place here.



The Awards

The judges have the challenge of looking over this year’s fantastic submissions and witnessing the true excellence of business psychology and how we have all prevailed during the pandemic.


The award categories are as follows:


Inemmo UK, Athena Professional, Lumina Learning Canada, and our Global Lumina Learning Team have been working hard to enter submissions worthy of these titles over the last few months.


The 5 award categories for which we have been named as finalists are:


Excellence In Learning Interventions – Finalists for this category demonstrated how learning solutions have been delivered effectively and made a significant impact on the success of an individual, group or organisation.


Athena Professional: Athena Professional and LawNet


Lumina Learning: Lumina Emotion Qualification: Taking a Blended Learning Approach


Lumina Learning: Lumina Spark Qualification: Responding to Covid-19 with a Blended Virtual Qualification


Excellence In Development Interventions – Finalists for this category demonstrated how any L&D work, training and/or coaching intervention has had a significant impact on the success of an individual, group or organisation.



Inemmo and Lumina Learning: Coaching and mentoring to help young leaders navigate social inequalities and biases




Excellence In Embracing Diversity – Finalists for this category demonstrated work across any areas of business psychology that address diversity challenges in the workplace.



Inemmo and Lumina Learning: Empowering young people to embrace their diversity and achieve career success – developing strategies to navigate social inequalities and biases



Excellence In Technical Innovation – Finalists for this category demonstrated how psychology and innovative technology are combined to drive fundamental change in business.


Lumina Learning: Journey to Composure – A digital way to manage Overextensions


Lumina Learning: Spark Coach – A digital coaching tool for the 21st Century and beyond


Lumina Learning Canada: ”From employer-centric to jobseeker-centric – an innovative approach putting Business Psychology in the service of Vulnerable, Marginalised, and Underserved Populations” submitted by Ryerson University, Magnet and Lumina Learning




Excellence In Using Business Psychology for Social Impact– Finalists for this category demonstrated how they are using psychology to make a difference beyond the workplace to people and wider society.



Inemmo and Lumina Learning: Coaching, mentoring and L&D supporting the real ‘Levelling Up’ agenda – helping underserved and marginalised communities achieve social mobility and equity



What a fantastic lineup! With Inemmo UK, Athena Professional, Lumina Learning Canada and our Global Lumina Learning Team dominating some of the categories, we are hopeful for a win at this year’s awards. We previously won awards at the ABP awards in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, and we hope to add some wins this year to our growing list of awards. We may even have to invest in a trophy cabinet.


Look out for in-depth case studies for each of the award’s submissions as we celebrate our excellence amongst the Global Community in the run-up to the awards!

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Lumina Learning is a global network of skilled experts and practitioners operating in more than 40 countries all over the world.

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Lumina Learning is a global network of skilled experts and practitioners operating in more than 40 countries all over the world.